Picture of by Kimberly De Matos

by Kimberly De Matos

A skin glow from the big O

After sex skin is a real thing people, and there is nothing like a skin glow after a good time between the sheets.

So today we are talking orgasms, keep reading, even if you’re blushing.

Are orgasms the answer to preserving healthy glowing skin?

I’m so glad we are moving past the days when discussing sex is considered taboo, because this is something I want to shout from the rooftops.

Still, some of us, (like I used to be) will blush and feel uncomfortable talking about sex, but why? It’s something we all do, but we shy away like it’s a secret.

When we orgasm, it allows our brain to release oxytocin the happy hormone which lowers cortisol levels.

Lower cortisol levels lead to better sleep, decrease inflammation and improved collagen production – only every female on the planets skin goals.

What does this mean for the skin?

Better sleep equals healthier skin; there is a reason its called beauty sleep. Reducing inflammation in the body will reduce premature ageing, acne, puffiness and many other skin conditions.

The release of oxytocin will help to destress the body, so when you feel stressed, maybe have aches, pains, or a headache coming on, chances are an orgasm will help release the tension and relax and calm the body. We release endorphins after we climax, which reduces pain, stress and anxiety, leading to better sleep.

Sleep is key to beautiful skin and a healthy mind and body

Orgasms raise estrogen levels in the body. Estrogen helps to promote collagen in the body, supporting the skin and reducing fine lines wrinkles.

Lower cortisol levels alongside increased estrogen levels improve your body’s collagen production.

The orgasm cheek flush

Whats gives us that immediate glow?

After reaching orgasm, blood flow and circulation is boosted through the body driving blood, oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Blood is pushed to the skin and up to the face giving you that orgasm cheek blush, hence the Nars cheek blush in orgasm but this is not the time to fake it.

Are we getting enough of the big O?!

Good, healthy sex and orgasms are essential for skin health, physical and mental wellbeing, and there is nothing quite like the skin glow once we reach that Ooo.

So why are some of us not getting enough of it?

Is it time, stress or lack of enjoyment, the myth that it may not occur for some women needs squashing, like right now! It can happen! Let’s put down the phone, set the mood and get busy.

Many women struggle to reach climax, but we can all get there. I’m no sex therapist by any means, but I’ve had my journey—sex coach like Kim Anami is great for anyone wanting gourmet sex and wishing to explore ways to reach all kinds of orgasms.

All women should be experiencing orgasms and lots of them, your skin’s health depends on it, and it drives your creativity. You will never come to the end of your life and regret having too many orgasms, but you may regret not having enough – just saying.


While the effects of your orgasms cheek flush are not long-lived, the benefits of reduced inflammation and collagen support will build with time. And this is where I go back to my golden rule of consistency, consistency is key for everything in life – but at least this one is fun, and it’s free!

Consistency, and by consistency I mean 3-5x a week. Whether it be with your partner or on your own, all those Os will give you your daily skin glow. Now I am not saying it will heal all of your skin concerns, but it will help you glow, feel good, destress and well, have fun!

As a skin enthusiast, this is one I will get behind, and I feel it’s my duty to be committed to this obligation for my skin, mind and body – it’s self-care.

Everyone get busy (you’re welcome)!

With Skin Love


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